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Kiwi Log is a log management and analysis tool designed to help organizations monitor, collect, and analyze log data from…
Katalon Studio Enterprise, the comprehensive test automation platform! Alright, , here’s what I’ve got for you: Product Details: Katalon Studio…
Katalon Runtime Engine (Floating), a variant of the Katalon Runtime Engine! Alright, here’s what I’ve got for you: Product Details:…
Katalon Runtime Engine, a powerful test automation tool! Alright, here’s what I’ve got for you: Product Details: Katalon Runtime Engine…
Kerio Connect is a messaging and collaboration server developed by Kerio Technologies. It provides email, calendaring, contacts, and task management…
Kofax Power PDF Advanced is an advanced version of the Power PDF software developed by Kofax. It offers additional features…
Kahoot Premium is a subscription-based version of Kahoot that offers additional features and functionality compared to the free version. Here…
Kahoot 360 Pro is a subscription-based version of Kahoot that offers additional features and functionality compared to the free version.…
Kahoot 360 Plus is a version of Kahoot that offers additional features and functionality beyond the basic free version. Here…
JAWS (Job Access With Speech) for Windows is a popular screen reading software designed for individuals with visual impairments. Here…
Jira Software Server is a self-hosted version of Jira Software, which is a project management tool developed by Atlassian. It…
ScriptRunner for Jira is a popular plugin developed by Adaptavist that extends the functionality of Jira by allowing users to…