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ArcGIS Server Enterprise – Geoanalytics Server


ArcGIS Server Enterprise with GeoAnalytics Server is a software package offered by Esri that combines the core functionality of ArcGIS Server with the additional capabilities of GeoAnalytics Server.

Here’s a breakdown of the terms:

ArcGIS Server Enterprise: This is a server-based GIS software package that provides the infrastructure for sharing GIS resources, such as maps, data, and geoprocessing services, across an organization or the web. It allows users to publish GIS services and applications for use in web and desktop environments.

GeoAnalytics Server: GeoAnalytics Server is an extension for ArcGIS Server that provides advanced analytical capabilities for processing large volumes of spatial data. It allows users to perform complex spatial analysis tasks, such as spatial aggregations, pattern detection, and proximity analysis, on big data sets.