Prey Anti-Theft is a versatile security solution designed to help you track, locate, and recover lost or stolen laptops, smartphones,…
Prey. Anti-Theft tracking software for laptops, smartphones and tablets
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#1 Enterprise Disk Partition Manager Software For Windows Server & PC (32 & 64 bit) 30% to 300% Faster Than Other Tools…
Niubi Partition Editor Enterprise Edition
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#1 Windows Server Partition Manager Software For Windows Server 2003 – 2019 (32 & 64 bit) 30% to 300% Faster Than Other…
NIUBI Partition Editor Server
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Leading Desktop Ergonomic Software Behavior-Based Safety Tools BreakTimer Suggests breaks based on work intensity as well as natural rest patterns,…
Automate Data Transformation, Report and Document Generation, and More Altova FlowForce Server is a highly-customizable workflow engine for efficient automation…
Altova FlowForce Server
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Hyper-fast Validation & Processing Altova RaptorXML Server delivers hyper-performance validation and processing of XML, XBRL, and JSON data. RaptorXML Server…
Altova RaptorXML Server
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The Best 3D Rendering Software to Create Amazing Visuals. KeyShot brings you real-time 3D rendering that displays results instantly and reduces the…
PDFelement is a software designed to transform the office experience for everyone. The product supports flexible admin management, which lowers…
Wondershare PDFelement Pro Business
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Professional Waiting Queue Management System for your waiting areas and counters Communicate With Your Customers While They Wait Professional queue…
Do you want to create individual customized presentations or PDF documents on the fly? Or create data-driven presentations that your…
DataPoint Enterprise edition
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Do you want to save time and money with real-time linking your slides to data sources, instant data updates, and…
DataPoint Standard edition for PowerPoint 2016, 2019 and Office 365
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Syncfusion’s Essential Studio Enterprise Edition is a suite of 1,600+ software components and frameworks for developing web, mobile, and desktop…
Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition
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