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Nitro Pro 13


Nitro Pro 13 is a PDF editing and document management software developed by Nitro Software. It’s designed to help individuals and organizations create, edit, and manage PDF documents, as well as convert and export files to other formats.

Key Features:

  • PDF Editing: Edits PDF files, including text, images, and pages, with ease.
  • PDF Conversion: Converts files from various formats, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, to PDF, and vice versa.
  • Document Management: Manages and organizes PDF documents, including merging, splitting, and combining files.
  • Collaboration: Enables real-time collaboration and commenting, making it easy to work with others on PDF documents.
  • Security: Provides advanced security features, including encryption, password protection, and digital signatures.
  • Integration: Integrates with popular productivity software, such as Microsoft Office, to streamline workflows.


  • Easy PDF Editing: Enables users to edit PDF files with ease, without requiring specialized skills or software.
  • Streamlined Document Management: Simplifies document management, making it easy to organize, merge, and split PDF files.
  • Improved Collaboration: Facilitates real-time collaboration and commenting, reducing errors and improving communication.
  • Enhanced Security: Provides advanced security features to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance