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DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL


The DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL certificate is an advanced SSL certificate that provides a high level of security and trust for websites. It offers the following key features:

Extended Validation (EV): The certificate triggers the display of a green address bar in web browsers, indicating to visitors that the website is secured with an EV SSL certificate and has undergone rigorous verification.

Organization Validation (OV): Requires validation of your organization’s identity, providing assurance to visitors that your website is legitimate and trustworthy.

256-bit Encryption: Utilizes 256-bit encryption to secure data transmitted between the website and its visitors, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

Trust Seal: Includes a DigiCert trust seal that can be displayed on the website to reassure visitors that the site is secure and their information is protected.

Compatibility: Compatible with all major web browsers and mobile devices, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

Priority Validation and Support: Provides priority validation and support services to ensure quick issuance and resolution of any issues.

Overall, the DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL certificate is an ideal choice for organizations that require a high level of security and trust for their websites, particularly those that handle sensitive information such as financial transactions or personal data