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Business Process Monitoring Business Process Monitoring Application monitoring software that proactively and consistently monitors business processes to identify performance issues…
Open Enterprise Server Features Cloud integrated storage Save on storage costs by automatically moving “cold data” to the cloud. You…
Backup Navigator Monitoring and Analytics Advanced analytics and reporting for Data Protector environments. Intelligent dashboards Customizable and interactive dashboard and…
Attachmate is now part of Micro Focus Find products and support info below. Attachmate History Attachmate has been helping organizations…
Atlas Adapt to Evolving Customer Expectations Simplifies requirements capture, management, and tracking to respond with agility Easily gather concepts for…
Improve infrastructure management Combine file analytics and prioritized data backup to improve data quality, and get greater visibility into data,…
Simple Design and create mobile and web load test for easy cloud-based testing without the need to schedule, deploy, and…
Protect sensitive data Apply intelligent format preserving encryption to sensitive information Comply to GDPR Delete relevant data and protect or…
Features Studio Enterprise Edition   Increase development agility Studio Enterprise Edition enables organizations to increase the agility of their application…
Broad data coverage Monitor employee communications that take place in email, IM, social media, voice and other data sources, from…
Features Improve business agility with model visualization Models are essential for assuring architectural soundness. Visualization of models helps organizations improve…
Features True end-to-end testing from a single tool UFT centralizes and accelerates your end-to-end functional testing efforts across enterprise architectures…