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WinSvrDCCore ALNG LicSAPk OLV 2Lic E 1Y Acdmc AP CoreLic


icrosoft Windows Server Datacenter Core 2019 license under the Microsoft Open License for Academic program. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

WinSvrDCCore: Windows Server Datacenter Core, which is a version of Windows Server that offers unlimited virtualization rights and additional features compared to Standard edition.

ALNG LicSAPk: All Language License Software Assurance Pack, which may include benefits such as access to new software versions, training, and support for all language versions.

OLV: Open License for Academic, which is a volume licensing program offered by Microsoft for educational institutions.

2Lic: Two Licenses, indicating that the license includes two core licenses for Windows Server Datacenter Core 2019.

E 1Y: Subscription for one year, meaning the license is valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Acdmc: Academic, indicating that the license is for educational institutions.

AP CoreLic: Core License, which means the license is based on the number of processor cores in the server.

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