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WatchGuard Firebox T55


WatchGuard Firebox T55 is a compact, tabletop security appliance designed for small to medium-sized businesses and remote offices. It provides advanced threat protection, intrusion prevention, and network segmentation. Key Features:

  • Advanced Threat Protection: Includes features like sandboxing, antivirus, and anti-malware to protect against zero-day threats and other advanced attacks.
  • Intrusion Prevention: Blocks unauthorized access and malicious traffic with IPS signatures and anomaly-based detection.
  • Network Segmentation: Enables segregation of networks into separate zones for improved security and compliance.
  • Firewall and VPN: Provides stateful packet inspection, network address translation, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities.
  • URL Filtering: Blocks access to malicious websites and enforces web policies with customizable categories and rules.
  • Reporting and Visualization: Offers real-time visibility into security events and network activity through WatchGuard’s Dimension visibility platform