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Telerik DevCraft Complete Developer


Telerik DevCraft Complete Developer is a comprehensive developer toolkit developed by Progress Telerik, designed to provide a wide range of UI components, reporting tools, and productivity features for building web, mobile, and desktop applications.

Key Features:

  1. UI Components: Offers a wide range of UI components for web, mobile, and desktop applications, including grids, charts, gauges, and more.
  2. Reporting Tools: Provides reporting tools for creating reports, dashboards, and analytics, including data visualization and business intelligence components.
  3. Productivity Features: Includes productivity features such as code analysis, code completion, and debugging tools to enhance developer productivity.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supports development for multiple platforms, including.NET, JavaScript, and native mobile platforms.
  5. Extensive Documentation and Support: Offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and support to help developers get started and resolve issues.


  • Comprehensive developer toolkit for building web, mobile, and desktop applications
  • Wide range of UI components for creating engaging user interfaces
  • Robust reporting tools for creating reports, dashboards, and analytics
  • Productivity features to enhance developer efficiency and productivity
  • Cross-platform compatibility for developing on multiple platforms
  • Extensive documentation and support for easy onboarding and issue resolution