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Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Tuxera


Microsoft NTFS for Mac is a software solution that allows Mac users to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives, eliminating the need to reformat or use third-party software.

Key Features:

  1. NTFS Read/Write Support: Enables Mac users to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives, including external hard drives and USB drives.
  2. Seamless Integration: Integrates seamlessly with Mac OS, allowing users to access NTFS-formatted drives without additional setup or configuration.
  3. Fast File Transfer: Supports fast file transfer speeds, making it ideal for large file transfers.
  4. Security and Reliability: Provides robust security and reliability features, including support for NTFS file permissions and encryption.
  5. Compatibility: Compatible with Mac OS 10.12 and later versions.


  • Enables Mac users to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives without reformatting or using third-party software
  • Provides seamless integration with Mac OS for easy use
  • Supports fast file transfer speeds for efficient data transfer
  • Offers robust security and reliability features for peace of mind
  • Compatible with Mac OS 10.12 and later versions for broad compatibility