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Fast Report VCL Standard



FastReport VCL Standard is a reporting tool designed for Delphi and C++Builder developers using Embarcadero RAD Studio. It provides a comprehensive set of features to create, customize, and display reports within VCL (Visual Component Library) applications.

Key Features of FastReport VCL Standard:

Visual Report Designer: FastReport VCL Standard offers a visual report designer with a drag-and-drop interface, allowing developers to create and customize reports with ease.

Data Sources: The tool supports various data sources, including databases (such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc.), datasets, and custom data sources, enabling developers to pull data into their reports from multiple sources.

Report Types: FastReport VCL Standard supports a wide range of report types, including tabular reports, master-detail reports, charts, and subreports, providing flexibility in report design.

Export Formats: Reports can be exported to various formats, including PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, RTF, and image formats, allowing users to share and distribute reports in different formats.

Integration: FastReport VCL Standard seamlessly integrates with VCL applications, providing a smooth and efficient reporting experience for developers.

Scripting Support: The tool offers scripting support, allowing developers to add custom scripts to reports for dynamic behavior and calculations.

Localization: FastReport VCL Standard supports report localization, enabling developers to create reports in multiple languages to cater to a global audience.

Security: The tool includes features for securing reports and data, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

Overall, FastReport VCL Standard is a powerful reporting solution for Delphi and C++Builder developers, offering a range of features to simplify the process of creating, customizing, and displaying reports within their VCL applications