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Digicert Basic OV (FLEX) Wildcard


Digicert Basic OV (FLEX) Wildcard is a type of SSL/TLS certificate that provides Organization Validated (OV) authentication and allows for secure encryption of multiple subdomains with a single certificate.

Key Features:

  • Organization Validated (OV): Provides OV authentication, verifying the identity of the organization and its ownership of the domain.
  • Wildcard Certification: Enables secure encryption of multiple subdomains with a single certificate, using a wildcard character (*).
  • FLEX Certificate: Offers a flexible certificate that can be used for multiple domains and subdomains, with no need for separate certificates.
  • SHA-2 and ECC Encryption: Supports SHA-2 and ECC encryption, providing robust security and compliance with industry standards.
  • Trusted by Browsers: Trusted by most browsers and mobile devices, ensuring a secure and trusted connection for users.
  • Issuance and Renewal: Offers fast issuance and renewal, with automated validation and issuance processes.


  • Enhanced Security: Enhances security, with OV authentication and robust encryption, to protect sensitive data and prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: Provides convenience and flexibility, with a single wildcard certificate that can secure multiple subdomains, and no need for separate certificates.
  • Compliance and Trust: Ensures compliance with industry standards and trust, with a trusted certificate authority and recognition by most browsers and mobile devices.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers a cost-effective solution, with a single certificate that can secure multiple subdomains, and no need for multiple certificates.
  • Easy Management: Simplifies management, with automated validation and issuance processes, and a user-friendly certificate management platform