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Burpsuite pro 1 year


Burp Suite Professional for a period of one year. Burp Suite Professional is a comprehensive cybersecurity tool used for web application security testing. It helps identify vulnerabilities in web applications and supports automated scanning, manual testing, and various attack types.

With a 1-year license, you’ll have access to the full range of features in Burp Suite Professional, including:

Web application scanning for vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Manual testing tools for manipulating HTTP requests and responses.

Automated attacks using the Intruder tool to test for vulnerabilities.

Spider tool for crawling web applications to discover content and functionality.

Scanner tool for detecting and reporting vulnerabilities.

Target Analyzer for analyzing web applications to identify security issues.

Sequencer for analyzing the randomness of tokens and other data in web applications.

Comparer for comparing two requests or responses to identify differences.