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Bundling Sketchup 2019 Single User with Maintenance & support 1 year dan V-Ray Next for Sketchup Workstation license Perpetual


SketchUp 2019 with maintenance and support for one year, as well as a perpetual license for V-Ray Next for SketchUp Workstation. Here’s a breakdown of these products:

SketchUp 2019 Single User with Maintenance & Support 1 Year: SketchUp is a 3D modeling software used for a variety of applications, including architectural, interior design, and landscape architecture. The maintenance and support plan typically includes access to software updates and technical support for one year.

V-Ray Next for SketchUp Workstation License Perpetual: V-Ray is a rendering engine that works as a plugin for SketchUp, enhancing its rendering capabilities. The perpetual license means you can use the software indefinitely after purchase, though access to updates and support may require additional fees after an initial period