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AutoCAD LT 2022 Commercial


Product Details:

  • Developer: Autodesk.
  • Functionality: Powerful 2D CAD software for computer-aided design and documentation.
  • User Type: Suited for professional architects, engineers, construction professionals, and designers.
  • Price: The product page doesn’t explicitly state the price. However, one source mentions an annual subscription.

Key Features:

  • Precise 2D Drawings: It offers powerful drafting tools to create precise 2D geometry, with capabilities for annotation and editing.
  • Comprehensive Tools: It grants access to a wide range of editing, design, and annotation tools, aiding in drafting and documentation.
  • Intuitive User Interface: The interface is designed for speed and efficiency, allowing users to access tools when they need them through multifunctional grips, customizable tool palettes, and an intelligent command line.
  • AutoLISP: The software includes AutoLISP, enabling users to streamline workflows and enforce CAD standards through automation.
  • Cloud Storage Connectivity: Users can access, preview, and open DWG files in AutoCAD LT through Autodesk Docs and third-party cloud storage.
  • Design Change Notes: Users can add design change notes and markups without altering the existing drawing from the desktop app or web and mobile apps.
  • Object Selection and Transparency: AutoCAD LT facilitates easy object selection and transparency control for chosen objects or entire layers.
  • Annotation and Editing Tools: It includes a variety of annotation and editing functionalities, like dimensioning, leader lines, centerlines and center marks, tables, revision clouds, and more.
  • PDF and Image Handling: Users can import/export/underlay PDFs and reference images in their drawings.
  • Geographic Location Integration: It allows the insertion of geographic location information and the display of online maps within drawings
  • Online Support and Flexibility: Autodesk offers online resources, remote desktop assistance, access to the latest software, and a flexible subscription model