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Metronic – Bootstrap 4 HTML, React, Angular 10, VueJS & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme


Metronic is a premium admin dashboard theme that provides a comprehensive solution for building modern, responsive, and customizable admin dashboards. It’s available in multiple flavors, including Bootstrap 4 HTML, React, Angular 10, VueJS, and Laravel. Key Features:

  1. Modern Design: Metronic features a modern, clean, and sleek design that’s perfect for building professional-grade admin dashboards.
  2. Responsive Design: The theme is fully responsive, ensuring that your admin dashboard looks and works great on all devices and screen sizes.
  3. Customizable: Metronic provides a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the theme to your specific needs and branding.
  4. Widget-Driven: The theme features a widget-driven design, making it easy to add, remove, and customize widgets to suit your needs.
  5. Multiple Framework Support: Metronic is available in multiple frameworks, including Bootstrap 4 HTML, React, Angular 10, VueJS, and Laravel, making it easy to integrate with your existing tech stack.


  1. Saves Time: Metronic saves you time and effort by providing a pre-built, customizable admin dashboard theme that’s ready to go.
  2. Easy to Use: The theme is easy to use, even for those without extensive coding experience.
  3. Highly Customizable: Metronic provides a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the theme to your specific needs and branding.
  4. Professional-Grade: The theme is designed to provide a professional-grade admin dashboard experience, perfect for large-scale applications.

HTML Version Features:

  1. Bootstrap 4: The HTML version of Metronic is built on top of Bootstrap 4, providing a solid foundation for building responsive and modern admin dashboards
  2. 300+ Pages: The theme includes over 300 pages, covering a wide range of admin dashboard scenarios.
  3. 100+ Components: Metronic includes over 100 components, including charts, tables, forms, and more