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RS2 is a 2D and 3D finite element analysis software developed by Rocscience, designed to help geotechnical engineers and professionals…
RocFall2 is a rockfall analysis software developed by Rocscience, designed to help geotechnical engineers and professionals assess and mitigate rockfall…
RSData – Cloud Personal Lease – Maintenance+ Included is a cloud-based subscription plan that provides access to RSData’s slope stability…
Ahaslides Pro 1 Year is a subscription-based plan that provides access to advanced features and support for creating engaging presentations…
Mailchimp Standard is a paid plan offered by Mailchimp that provides a range of advanced features and tools to help…
Mailchimp Essential is a paid plan offered by Mailchimp that provides a range of features and tools to help businesses…
Mailchimp Dedicated IP is a feature offered by Mailchimp that allows businesses to own and manage their own dedicated IP…
Mindjet MindManager Perpetual License is a powerful mind mapping and project management software that helps users to organize, visualize, and…
Minitab 19 is a comprehensive statistical software package that provides a wide range of tools for data analysis, visualization, and…
Maple for Academic is a powerful mathematical software tool that provides a comprehensive environment for teaching, learning, and research in…
Monday Project Planning Pro is a cloud-based project management tool that helps teams plan, track, and deliver projects efficiently. Key…
MDaemon 12 is a Windows-based email server software that provides a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use solution for managing email communications.…