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SourceGuardian 11.4 for Windows


SourceGuardian 11.4 for Windows is a PHP encoder and protection tool that helps protect PHP scripts from theft, unauthorized use, and reverse engineering. It uses advanced encoding and encryption techniques to secure PHP code, making it difficult for others to access or modify the code.

Key Features:

  1. PHP Encoding: Encodes PHP scripts, making them unreadable and unusable by unauthorized users.
  2. Encryption: Encrypts PHP scripts, adding an additional layer of protection against theft and unauthorized use.
  3. Obfuscation: Obfuscates PHP code, making it difficult for others to understand or reverse engineer the code.
  4. Licensing: Allows developers to create licenses for their PHP scripts, controlling how the scripts can be used and distributed.
  5. Protection from Debugging: Protects PHP scripts from debugging tools, making it difficult for others to debug or reverse engineer the code.


  1. Protects Intellectual Property: Helps protect PHP scripts from theft, unauthorized use, and reverse engineering, safeguarding intellectual property.
  2. Prevents Code Theft: Prevents others from stealing or using PHP scripts without permission.
  3. Improves Security: Improves the security of PHP applications by making it difficult for hackers to access or modify the code.
  4. Saves Time and Money: Saves developers time and money by preventing the need to redevelop stolen or compromised code.
  5. Easy to Use: Is easy to use, even for developers without extensive experience with encoding and encryption