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Zapier Starter


Zapier Starter is an automation tool that enables users to connect different web applications, services, and APIs, automating workflows, and streamlining processes. Key Features:

  • App Connections: Supports connections to over 1,000 web applications, services, and APIs, including popular platforms like Gmail, Slack, and Facebook.
  • Zap Creation: Enables users to create custom zaps, which are automated workflows that connect multiple apps and services.
  • Trigger and Action: Allows users to set up triggers and actions, which automate specific tasks and workflows.
  • Limited Filter and Formatting: Provides limited filtering and formatting options, enabling users to customize their zaps.
  • Single-Step Zaps: Supports single-step zaps, which enable users to automate simple workflows and processes.


  • Basic Automation: Automates basic tasks and workflows, freeing up time for more strategic activities.
  • Easy Integration: Enables easy integration between different web applications, services, and APIs.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers a cost-effective solution for automation, with reduced costs and improved ROI.
  • Simple to Use: Provides an intuitive interface, making it easy for users to create and manage zaps.


  • Limited App Connections: Supports connections to only 1,000 web applications, services, and APIs, compared to 2,000 in Zapier Pro 2K.
  • Limited Filtering and Formatting: Provides limited filtering and formatting options, compared to Zapier Pro 2K.
  • Single-Step Zaps Only: Supports only single-step zaps, compared to multi-step zaps in Zapier Pro 2K