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Zahir Small Business v6


Zahir Small Business v6 is a comprehensive accounting and business management software designed specifically for small businesses.

Key Features:

  • Accounting and Financial Management: Zahir Small Business v6 provides a robust accounting system that includes features such as general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and cash management.
  • Inventory Management: The software includes inventory management capabilities, allowing users to track stock levels, manage orders, and optimize inventory levels.
  • Sales and Customer Management: Zahir Small Business v6 includes sales and customer management features, such as sales order management, customer profiling, and sales tracking.
  • Purchase Management: The software enables users to manage purchases, including purchase orders, invoices, and payment tracking.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Zahir Small Business v6 provides a range of reporting and analytics tools, allowing users to generate financial statements, track business performance, and make informed decisions