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XML Spy 2021 Enterprise


XML Spy 2021 Enterprise is a comprehensive XML editor and development environment that provides a range of tools and features for designing, editing, and debugging XML-based applications. It is designed to help developers, architects, and IT professionals work with XML, JSON, and other related technologies more efficiently and effectively. Key Features:

  • XML Editor: XML Spy 2021 Enterprise includes a powerful and intuitive XML editor that provides advanced editing capabilities, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and validation.
  • XML Schema Designer: The software includes a graphical XML Schema designer that allows users to create, edit, and manage XML schemas visually.
  • XSLT Debugger: XML Spy 2021 Enterprise includes a built-in XSLT debugger that allows users to debug and troubleshoot XSLT transformations.
  • JSON Support: The software provides advanced support for JSON, including editing, validation, and transformation capabilities.
  • XML Validation: XML Spy 2021 Enterprise includes advanced XML validation capabilities, including support for XSD, DTD, and Schematron.
  • Integration with Other Tools: The software can be integrated with other development tools, such as Eclipse and Visual Studio, to provide a more comprehensive development environment