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WIPFrag 4


WIPFrag 4 is a software tool designed for fragment-based drug discovery, allowing researchers to identify and optimize fragment hits for lead generation.

Key Features:

  • Fragment-Based Drug Discovery: Enables fragment-based drug discovery, identifying and optimizing fragment hits for lead generation.
  • High-Throughput Screening: Supports high-throughput screening, rapidly evaluating large libraries of fragments against target proteins.
  • Fragment Docking and Scoring: Performs fragment docking and scoring, predicting the binding affinity and feasibility of fragment hits.
  • Hits-to-Leads Optimization: Optimizes hits-to-leads, using structure-based design and medicinal chemistry expertise to enhance fragment potency and selectivity.
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Runs molecular dynamics simulations, providing insights into fragment binding modes and dynamics.
  • Integration with Popular Software: Integrates with popular software, including MOE, Schrödinger, and OpenEye, to facilitate seamless workflow and data exchange.


  • Accelerated Lead Generation: Accelerates lead generation, identifying high-quality fragment hits and optimizing them for further development.
  • Improved Hit Rates: Improves hit rates, using advanced docking and scoring algorithms to identify fragment hits with high binding affinity and selectivity.
  • Enhanced Lead Optimization: Enhances lead optimization, using structure-based design and medicinal chemistry expertise to improve fragment potency and selectivity.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Streamlines workflow, integrating with popular software to facilitate seamless data exchange and collaboration.
  • Increased Productivity: Increases productivity, automating repetitive tasks and freeing up researchers to focus on high-value activities