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WinRmtDsktpSrvcsCAL 2019 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL


Windows Remote Desktop Services Client Access License (CAL) for Windows Server 2019. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

WinRmtDsktpSrvcsCAL: Windows Remote Desktop Services Client Access License, which allows a device to access Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on a Windows Server.

2019: Indicates that the CAL is for use with Windows Server 2019.

SNGL: Single, meaning it is licensed for use by a single device.

OLP: Open License Program, which is a volume licensing program offered by Microsoft for businesses.

NL: Non-specific language, meaning it can be used with any language version of Windows Server 2019.

DvcCAL: Device CAL, which means the license is assigned to a specific device and allows that device to access Remote Desktop Services on the server.

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