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Trello Business


Trello Business is a project management and collaboration platform designed for teams and businesses, offering a range of features and tools to help teams work more efficiently and effectively.

Key Features:

  1. Project Management: Manages projects through boards, lists, and cards, enabling teams to visualize and track work.
  2. Collaboration: Enables team collaboration through commenting, @mentions, and file sharing.
  3. Automation: Offers automation features to streamline workflows and reduce manual tasks.
  4. Integration: Integrates with a wide range of third-party tools and services, including Google Drive, Slack, and GitHub.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Provides reporting and analytics features to help teams track progress and make data-driven decisions.


  • Enhances team collaboration and communication through commenting, @mentions, and file sharing
  • Streamlines workflows and reduces manual tasks through automation features
  • Offers a wide range of integrations with third-party tools and services
  • Provides reporting and analytics features to help teams track progress and make data-driven decisions
  • Scalable and flexible to fit the needs of growing teams and businesses


  • Software development and engineering
  • Marketing and sales teams
  • Business and operations management
  • Project management and collaboration
  • IT and technology teams