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Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition



Syncfusion’s Essential Studio Enterprise Edition is a suite of 1,600+ software components and frameworks for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications. Its UI controls are designed to be flexible, optimized for high performance, and relied on by more than half the Fortune 500. With Syncfusion in your toolkit you can speed the creation of modern user interfaces and read and write common file formats. Having supplied components to 1 million+ developers across more than 22,000 organizations around the world, Syncfusion has a proven track record of delivering cutting-edge products and above-and-beyond support.

Over 1,600 UI components for .NET and JavaScript
Includes more than 1,600 components and frameworks for Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET (Web Forms, MVC, Core), UWP, WinUI (Preview), Xamarin, JavaScript, Angular, Blazor, Vue and React.

All the Essential Components in a Single Package
Includes top requested components such as charts, grids, schedulers, diagrams, maps, gauges, docking, ribbons, and many more!

As a provider of components for almost two decades, Syncfusion has dedicated itself to perfecting user interface controls and reporting tools so you, as a developer, can concentrate on the core business logic of your application.

Being developers ourselves, we understand the challenges facing software developers and business teams. Between meeting deadlines, managing project requirements, and testing and debugging your applications, time is your most important resource, and it seems like you never have enough of it.

That’s where we come in.

Syncfusion offers over 1,600 components and frameworks for WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET (Web Forms, MVC, Core), UWP, Xamarin, Flutter, JavaScript, Angular, Blazor, Vue, and React.

But Syncfusion isn’t just about products—its value stretches far beyond. From our comprehensive support system to our Community License program to our series of free e-books, we’re constantly working to be a true partner to the development community.