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Shutterstock Standard


Shutterstock Standard is a stock image subscription service that provides access to a vast library of high-quality images, vectors, and illustrations. It is designed for individuals and businesses that need to use stock images in their marketing materials, websites, and social media platforms.

Key Features:

  1. Large Image Library: Offers a vast library of over 200 million images, vectors, and illustrations.
  2. High-Quality Images: Provides high-quality images with resolutions up to 100 megapixels.
  3. Flexible Licensing: Offers flexible licensing options, including royalty-free and rights-managed licenses.
  4. Image Editing Tools: Includes image editing tools, such as Shutterstock Editor, which allows users to edit images directly on the platform.
  5. Mobile App: Has a mobile app, allowing users to search and download images on-the-go.


  1. Convenient: Provides a convenient way to access a vast library of high-quality images.
  2. Cost-Effective: Offers a cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses that need to use stock images regularly.
  3. Time-Saving: Saves time by providing a one-stop-shop for all stock image needs.
  4. High-Quality Images: Offers high-quality images that can enhance marketing materials and websites.
  5. Flexible Licensing: Provides flexible licensing options to fit different needs and budgets