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Sboxr DOM


Sboxr DOM is a lightweight, modular JavaScript library that provides a simple and intuitive way to work with the Document Object Model (DOM) in web applications.

Key Features:

  1. DOM Manipulation: Provides a range of methods for manipulating the DOM, including element creation, insertion, and removal.
  2. Selector Engine: Offers a powerful selector engine, allowing developers to select and manipulate elements using CSS-style selectors.
  3. Event Handling: Supports event handling, enabling developers to attach event listeners to elements and respond to user interactions.
  4. Utilities: Provides a range of utility functions for working with the DOM, including functions for traversing the DOM tree, checking element properties, and more.
  5. Modular Architecture: Features a modular architecture, allowing developers to load only the components they need, reducing the overall footprint of the library.


  1. Simplified DOM Manipulation: Simplifies DOM manipulation, making it easier to work with the DOM in web applications.
  2. Improved Performance: Improves performance by providing optimized methods for working with the DOM.
  3. Easy Event Handling: Makes event handling easier, enabling developers to respond to user interactions more effectively.
  4. Lightweight: Is a lightweight library, reducing the overall footprint of web applications.
  5. Modular: Offers a modular architecture, allowing developers to load only the components they need