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Radmin 3.5



Radmin 3.5 is a remote control and remote access software that enables users to remotely access and control computers over a network or the internet.

Key Features:

  1. Remote Control: Enables users to remotely control computers, including keyboard, mouse, and screen control.
  2. Remote Access: Allows users to access and control computers remotely, even if they are not physically present.
  3. Security: Includes advanced security features, such as encryption, password protection, and access control.
  4. File Transfer: Enables users to transfer files between remote computers and their local machine.
  5. Chat and Messaging: Includes chat and messaging capabilities, enabling users to communicate with each other remotely.


  1. Increased Productivity: Enables users to remotely access and control computers, reducing the need for physical presence.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration and communication between remote teams and users.
  3. Improved Security: Includes advanced security features, ensuring the integrity and security of remote connections.
  4. Convenience: Enables users to remotely access and control computers from anywhere, at any time