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Quform is a premium, highly-rated, and user-friendly WordPress form builder plugin. Developed by ThemeCatcher and offered on CodeCanyon, it’s compatible with WordPress 5.2 or later. Here’s an overview:


  • Drag-and-drop form elements with one-click functionality, compatible with all major browsers.
  • Create any form, from a simple contact form to a complex quote or booking form, with no coding required.
  • Multi-page forms, unlimited emails per submission, conditional logic, and advanced styling options.
  • Effortlessly set up and customize your forms, with extensive options for both basic and advanced users.
  • Integration support with Zapier and Mailchimp through free add-ons.
  • Robust spam prevention with CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, and Cloudflare Turnstile integration.
  • Dedicated documentation and support to help you make the most out of the plugin