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PDF-Tools is a comprehensive suite of PDF management tools that enables users to create, edit, convert, and manipulate PDF files with ease.

Key Features:

  1. PDF Creation: Creates PDF files from scratch, using a variety of file formats, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and others.
  2. PDF Editing: Enables users to edit PDF files, including text, images, and layout, with a range of tools and features.
  3. PDF Conversion: Converts PDF files into editable formats, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
  4. PDF Annotation: Enables users to annotate PDF files, including adding comments, notes, and highlights.
  5. PDF Merge and Split: Allows users to merge multiple PDF files into a single file or split a large PDF file into smaller files.
  6. PDF Security: Provides advanced security features, including password protection, encryption, and digital signatures, to protect PDF files from unauthorized access.

Advanced Features:

  1. Batch Processing: Supports batch processing, enabling users to perform tasks, such as conversion and editing, on multiple PDF files at once.
  2. Automated PDF Processing: Enables users to automate repetitive PDF tasks, such as conversion and editing, using custom scripts and workflows.
  3. PDF Optimization: Optimizes PDF files for web use, reducing file size and improving performance.
  4. PDF Validation: Validates PDF files against industry standards, such as PDF/A and PDF/X, ensuring compliance and compatibility