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Oracle Java Development Tools SUP


Oracle Java Development Tools that provide robust support for Java program development. These include tools for creating and building applications, as well as troubleshooting and monitoring. Here’s a more detailed look:

JDK (Java Development Kit) Tools and Utilities:

  • Basic Tools: appletviewer, apt, extcheck, jar, java, javac, javadoc, javah, javap, jdb, and more.
  • Security Tools: keytool, jarsigner, policytool, kinit, klist, ktab, and others.
  • Internationalization Tools: native2ascii, useful for creating localizable applications.
  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools: rmic, rmiregistry, rmid, serialver, and more.
  • Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools: tnameserv, idlj, orbd, servertool, and more.
  • Java Deployment Tools: javafxpackager, pack200, unpack200, for deployment of Java applications and applets on the web.
  • Java Web Start Tools: javaws, for launching and setting options.
  • Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring, and Management Tools: jcmd, jconsole, jmc, jvisualvm, and more.
  • Java Web Services Tools: schemagen, wsgen, wsimport, xjc, and more.

IDEs and Tool Support:

  • NetBeans: A popular Java IDE supported by Oracle Development Tools Support, with a wide range of tools and utilities.
  • Oracle JDeveloper: An Oracle IDE supported by Oracle Development Tools Support, offering database connectivity with Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service.
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition: Another Java IDE with support for Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service.
  • Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse: An Oracle-supported pack offering support for the widely-used Eclipse IDE.