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OptiTex key with Modules: Pattern Design System version 19

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OptiTex is a leading provider of 2D and 3D CAD/CAM software solutions for the textile, apparel, and upholstery industries. Their software is designed to streamline design, development, and production processes, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Pattern Design System Module: The Pattern Design System module is a fundamental component of the OptiTex software, specifically designed for the fashion and apparel industries. The module is used to create and manage 2D patterns, which are the foundation of garment production.

Key Features of Pattern Design System Module:

  • Interactive Pattern Design: The module allows users to create and modify 2D patterns interactively, using a range of tools and features.
  • Automated Pattern Generation: The module includes automated pattern generation tools, which can create patterns from scratch or modify existing patterns to create new designs.
  • Pattern Editing: The module provides advanced pattern editing tools, enabling users to modify and refine patterns quickly and accurately.
  • Integration with Other Modules: The Pattern Design System module integrates seamlessly with other OptiTex modules, such as the Grading, Marker Making, and Cutting Room modules, to provide a comprehensive solution for fashion and apparel businesses.

Benefits of Pattern Design System Module:

  • Improved Design Efficiency: The module streamlines the pattern design process, reducing the time and effort required to create and modify patterns.
  • Increased Accuracy: The module ensures that patterns are accurate and consistent, reducing errors and minimizing waste.
  • Enhanced Creativity: The module’s interactive tools and automated pattern generation features enable designers to explore new ideas and create innovative designs
  • Cost Savings: By reducing errors and minimizing waste, the Pattern Design System module helps businesses reduce costs and improve profitability