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OfficeMacStd 2019 SNGL OLP NL


OfficeMacStd 2019 SNGL OLP NL provides a single license for Microsoft Office Standard 2019 specifically tailored for Mac operating systems. Key points include:

Microsoft Office Standard 2019: The package includes essential productivity applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, optimized for use on Mac computers.

Single Open License Program (OLP) No Level: This licensing program offers flexibility in acquiring licenses without specific volume requirements, suitable for organizations of varying sizes.

No Level (NL): Indicates that it’s a single license with no specific volume level assigned.

In summary, OfficeMacStd 2019 SNGL OLP NL offers organizations a flexible licensing solution for acquiring Microsoft Office Standard 2019 for Mac, enabling users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails using familiar Office applications tailored for the Mac environment.

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