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NodeXL Pro


NodeXL Pro is a network overview, discovery, and exploration (NODE) software developed by the Social Media Research Foundation. It’s designed to help organizations and individuals analyze and visualize complex network data, including social media, email, and organizational networks.

Key Features:

  • Network Analysis: Analyzes and visualizes complex network data, including node and edge attributes.
  • Data Import: Imports data from various sources, including social media APIs, email archives, and organizational databases.
  • Network Visualization: Visualizes network data using various layouts and graph styles.
  • Centrality Measures: Calculates centrality measures, such as degree, betweenness, and closeness.
  • Community Detection: Detects communities and clusters within the network.
  • Content Analysis: Analyzes content and sentiment of messages and posts.


  • Network Insights: Provides insights into network structure, dynamics, and behavior.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Enables data-driven decision-making based on network analysis.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Monitors social media conversations and sentiment.
  • Organizational Efficiency: Optimizes organizational communication and collaboration