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NCH Video Capture Pro


NCH Video Capture Pro is a video capture software developed by NCH Software, a leading provider of multimedia solutions. It’s designed to capture video from various sources, including cameras, TV tuners, and online streams. Key Features:

  • Video Capture: Captures video from various sources, including cameras, TV tuners, and online streams.
  • Supports Multiple Formats: Supports various video formats, including AVI, MP4, WMV, and MOV.
  • Real-time Preview: Provides real-time preview of the video capture process.
  • Scheduled Recording: Allows users to schedule recordings in advance.
  • Video Editing: Includes basic video editing features, such as trimming, cropping, and adding text overlays.
  • Screen Recording: Captures video from the screen, ideal for creating tutorials and demos.


  • Easy Video Capture: Simplifies video capture from various sources.
  • Flexibility: Supports various video formats and devices.
  • Scheduled Recording: Enables users to capture video at a later time.
  • Basic Video Editing: Provides basic video editing features for quick editing.

Industry Applications: NCH Video Capture Pro is applicable to various industries, including:

  • Education: Captures video lectures, tutorials, and demos.
  • Marketing: Creates video content for social media, YouTube, and websites.
  • Healthcare: Captures video for medical training, patient education, and telemedicine.
  • Gaming: Captures gameplay video for streaming and sharing