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Kaspersky Media Kit



The Kaspersky Media Kit is a collection of resources and materials provided by Kaspersky for journalists, bloggers, and other media professionals. It typically includes press releases, images, videos, logos, and other assets related to Kaspersky products, services, and company news. Media kits are often used by media professionals to gather information and materials for articles, reviews, and other media coverage. They can be found on the Kaspersky website or requested directly from the company’s media relations team

Kaspersky Media Kit features typically include:

  1. Press Releases: Official statements and announcements from Kaspersky about new products, services, partnerships, and company news.
  2. Images: High-resolution images of Kaspersky products, logos, and company executives for use in articles and media coverage.
  3. Videos: Promotional videos, product demos, and interviews with Kaspersky executives and experts.
  4. Logos: Kaspersky logos in various formats and sizes for use in print and digital media.
  5. Product Information: Detailed information about Kaspersky products and services, including features, pricing, and system requirements.
  6. Case Studies: Real-world examples of how Kaspersky products have been used to protect businesses and individuals from cyber threats.
  7. Infographics: Visual representations of data and statistics related to cybersecurity and Kaspersky products.
  8. Contact Information: Contact details for Kaspersky’s media relations team for inquiries and interview requests.

Overall, the Kaspersky Media Kit is a comprehensive resource that provides media professionals with everything they need to cover Kaspersky-related news and stories