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Kahoot 360 Pro



Kahoot 360 Pro is a subscription-based version of Kahoot that offers additional features and functionality compared to the free version. Here are some key features of Kahoot 360 Premium:

  1. Advanced Reports: Premium users have access to more detailed reports and analytics, including player performance statistics and engagement metrics.
  2. Branding: Premium users can customize their Kahoot games with their own branding, including custom logos, colors, and backgrounds.
  3. Collaboration: Premium users can collaborate with team members to create and edit Kahoot games, making it easier to work together on projects.
  4. Priority Support: Premium users receive priority support from the Kahoot team, ensuring that any issues or questions are addressed quickly.
  5. Integration: Premium users have access to integration options that allow them to incorporate Kahoot games into their existing workflows and systems.
  6. Advanced Question Types: Premium users have access to additional question types, such as puzzles and surveys, to create more engaging and interactive games.
  7. Security Features: Premium users have access to advanced security features to protect their Kahoot games and data.

Overall, Kahoot 360 Pro is designed to provide users with additional features and functionality to enhance their Kahoot experience and make learning more engaging and effective