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CrazyBump For Windows



CrazyBump Normal Maps

1. Creating Normal Maps with Crazy Bump

2. What is a Normal Map? Taken from Wikipedia Normal mapping used to re-detail simplified meshes. In 3D computer graphics, normal mapping, or “Dot3 bump mapping”, is a technique used for faking the lighting of bumps and dents – an implementation of bump mapping. It is used to add details without using more polygons. DIFFUSE MAP NORMAL MAP

3. Downloading Textures You’ll need a good clean texture to start off. Something bumpy with clearly defined areas of high and low points Check out http://cgtextures.com for textures like these

4. Now open up CrazyBump and select the Open folder (Mac version being used here) CrazyBump is Available for Windows and Mac http://www.crazybump.com/

5. Select “Open photograph from file” Then select the texture that you want to use

6Select the image that best represents the “highs and lows” of your texture the best The black portions represent the lowest portions (like crevices) while the white portions represent the highest areas (tops of tiles) I picked this one but either would be fine in this case

7. Once you’ve selected the shape you’ll come to the mixer settings for our normal map along with a preview of normal map Normal Map Mixer *Note each tab represents a different type of map. Normals is selected by default

8. Map Settings and Saving to File Play with the slider settings to get something you like Often times the default settings look good The preview settings allow you to select a box, sphere and column To save your normal map select the Save button at the bottom Select Save normals to file Click to change 3d Preview model

9. You should now have a Normal Map file saved in your folder You can use this normal map to create realistic texturing of objects with no added geometry to 3d objects which will result in increased performance. You can combine this with a number of maps like specular, height, and diffuse maps for even more realism.

10. Want to learn how to use Crazy Bump with Unity? Watch this video Crazy Bump Normal Maps in Unity

11. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Find more Game Development Tutorials at Xenosmash Games


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