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CAM350 is a software solution for verifying and optimizing PCB designs, streamlining the transition from design to physical PCB fabrication. It is developed by DownStream Technologies, offering a suite of tools that cater to both PCB designers and CAM engineers. CAM350 ensures that complex PCB designs are comprehensively verified before manufacturing, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and maintaining design integrity.

Key Features:

  • Design Verification: Validates electrical characteristics and graphically matches original design files with Gerber outputs.
  • Error Elimination: Identifies and eliminates errors in the translation from design to fabrication.
  • Design for Fabrication (DFF) Analysis: Ensures the design matches manufacturing capabilities and checks for design flaws that may affect yields.
  • 3D Manufacturing Data Visualization: Offers a virtual model of the PCB, providing insights into how the design will be constructed, layer by layer.
  • Import Options: Imports CAD databases or Gerber files, supporting various formats.
  • Design Rule Checks (DRC): Confirms that the Gerber layers adhere to the design rules in the CAD system and the fabricator’s capabilities.
  • Process Automation: Automates and streamlines the work of CAM engineers, facilitating the transition from design to fabrication.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Locates manufacturing violations, optimizes drill and mill files, and enhances test equipment performance.
  • Panelization Strategies: Streamlines tooling and facilitates the final bare-board production process.
  • Easy to Use: CAM350 is user-friendly, with minimal learning curves, as evidenced by user testimonials.
  • Scalability: CAM350 is highly customizable and scalable, serving both engineering and PCB fabrication needs across Windows and NT operating systems
  • Data Security: Offers license validation and maintenance services to ensure the security and integrity of your data