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Bitbucket Premium Cloud 1 Year


Bitbucket Premium Cloud is a subscription plan offered by Atlassian for their cloud-based version control system, Bitbucket. The “1 Year” subscription indicates that the plan is valid for one year from the date of purchase or activation.

Key features of Bitbucket Premium Cloud may include:

Advanced Permissions: Granular permissions to control access to repositories and branches.

Code Insights: Insights into the health and quality of code, including code reviews, pull requests, and more.

IP Whitelisting: Control access to your Bitbucket account by specifying IP addresses that are allowed to access it.

Smart Mirroring: Faster clone and fetch times for distributed teams by caching repositories closer to where they are used.

Deployment Permissions: Manage who can deploy code to production environments.

Advanced Merge Strategies: Additional merge strategies for managing complex code branches.

Required Merge Checks: Enforce checks (such as passing builds or code reviews) before allowing a merge to happen.

Merge Checks API: Customize and extend merge checks with your own tools and services.

Jira Software Integration: Enhanced integration with Jira Software for seamless issue tracking and project management