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ArcGIS Notebook Server Advanced


ArcGIS Notebook Server is a dedicated server role in the ArcGIS Enterprise ecosystem that hosts and runs ArcGIS Notebooks, enabling your team to perform data analysis and management, automate tasks, and visualize data in a geographic context. It’s built on Python programming language capabilities and taps into ArcGIS’s analytical engines, geospatial analysis libraries, and open-source tools for statistics and machine learning. It’s a powerful tool for any organization leveraging spatial data, merging data science with geographical insight.

Key Features

  • Data Science Platform: ArcGIS Notebook Server provides a unified environment for data science, enabling spatial analysis, machine learning, and data management.
  • Python Integration: It leverages the Python programming language, along with ArcGIS APIs and ArcPy, for advanced geospatial analysis and custom scripting.
  • Isolation Through Containers: ArcGIS Notebook Server uses containers to isolate each user’s environment, ensuring one user’s resource usage doesn’t impact others.
  • Workflow Automation: The system facilitates workflow automation and efficient collaboration, streamlining data-driven operations.
  • ArcGIS Integration: ArcGIS Notebook Server integrates seamlessly with other ArcGIS roles, allowing you to access analysis tools like GeoAnalytics and raster analytics.
  • Advanced Settings: Administrators can tweak advanced settings to optimize system performance, increase site limits, and adapt to organizational IT practices
  • Notebook Security: It offers identity-based security, giving administrators control over who can create, share, edit, and view notebooks