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Antmedia Self Hosted Perpetual for Enterprise Edition



Antmedia Self Hosted Perpetual for Enterprise Edition is a self-hosted, perpetual license solution that enables enterprises to deploy a scalable, secure, and customizable live streaming and video conferencing platform within their own infrastructure. Key Features:

  1. Scalability: Designed to handle large-scale live streaming and video conferencing requirements, with support for thousands of concurrent users.
  2. Security: Offers robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and customizable security protocols to ensure secure streaming and conferencing.
  3. Customization: Provides a highly customizable platform, allowing enterprises to tailor the solution to their specific branding, workflow, and infrastructure requirements.
  4. Live Streaming: Supports live streaming in various formats, including RTMP, HLS, DASH, and WebRTC, with features like live transcoding, multi-bitrate streaming, and adaptive bitrate streaming.
  5. Video Conferencing: Offers advanced video conferencing features, including screen sharing, chat, and recording, with support for multi-party conferencing and virtual events.
  6. Integration: Can be integrated with existing infrastructure, including LDAP, Active Directory, and SAML, as well as third-party applications and services.
  7. Perpetual License: Provides a perpetual license, allowing enterprises to deploy and use the platform without ongoing subscription fees or restrictions.

With Antmedia Self Hosted Perpetual for Enterprise Edition, enterprises can deploy a robust, customizable, and scalable live streaming and video conferencing platform that meets their specific needs and requirements, while maintaining full control and ownership of their infrastructure