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AcaStat is a fully featured Statistical Analysis Software designed to serve Agencies, Enterprises. AcaStat provides end-to-end solutions designed for Web App. This online Statistical Analysis system offers File Storage, Multivariate Analysis, Regression Analysis at one place.


Data analysis simplified.

AcaStat is an inexpensive and easy-to-use data analysis tool. Create data files or import data from spreadsheets or delimited text files. Analyze data and run common significance tests without learning programming code or complex commands.


Analyze Data
Drag and drop simplicity.

Analyze data using common statistical procedures. Run crosstabulations, descriptive statistics, correlation, and significance tests without learning programming code or complex interface commands. A snapshot of the results is displayed in the Explore tab. Conventional statistical tables are saved in the Output Log.


Format Data
Create and edit data files.

Create and edit data files with hundreds of variables. The Format module is displayed in the Data tab to the left of the data spreadsheet. Set missing values and format up to 12 value labels. Use the Recode module to create new variables from ranges of values or compute/transform new variables.


View Output
Conventional statistical tables.

The Output Log displays the results of the analyses in a text window for editing, printing, and saving as a text file. Each time a statistical procedure is run, the results are automatically sent to the Output Log. Convert output to tab delimited format for pasting into spreadsheet software.


Compare Summary Statistics
Analyze counts, proportions and means.

The Summary Statistics module includes 31 procedures for analyzing summary data. Compare summary statistics, create confidence intervals, create Epi Curves, and verify hand calculations for common analytical methods taught in statistics courses. Controls in the Status Bar allow moving through up to ten prior calculations to view changes in confidence intervals, significance tests, and other SumStat procedures without going to the Output Log.


Create Summary Tables
Combine multiple variables into one table.

Use Tables to evaluate the relationships between multiple categorical variables with column percentages produced from the crosstabulation procedure. The procedure allows the use of two controls. Print or copy and paste the results into spreadsheet software.


Create Charts
Visualize data patterns.

The Charts module produces graphic displays of data. The chart can be saved, printed, and copied by using the toolbar buttons or menu pull-down. The chart can also be formatted to adjust background, titles, and percentage scale. A control variable can be used to chart subgroups of data.


Learn how to use statistical procedures.

AcaStat Help includes a Help index, Statistics Glossary, and three instructional modules. AcaStat Overview provides an annotated summary of key features. An on line How To Guide provides instruction on using the Options Panel variable boxes to run each statistical procedure. The instruction explains the purpose of the procedure, displays an example of the output, provides an example of the data format, and shows how to set up the analysis list boxes. The Stat Guide module provides output interpretation examples.

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