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TextPad is a text editor developed by Helios Software Solutions that supports plain text files. It offers a dynamic user experience with a simple user interface. Key features include:

  • Syntax highlighting with support for multiple programming languages like Java, C, C++, Perl, and Assembly.
  • Code indentation and block indents to improve code readability.
  • Regex-based search and replace, including multiline support, for advanced text transformations.
  • Automatic integration with Java JDK when installed on the machine.
  • Ability to call external programs and compile and run them within the TextPad environment.
  • Clip libraries, or snippets, for storing and reusing portions of text.
  • Clipboard history, allowing TextPad to function as a multi-clipboard tool.
  • Line bookmarking to easily copy and paste specific lines between documents.
  • Built-in file manager for copying, deleting, renaming, and managing files.
  • Spelling checker with dictionaries in multiple languages.
  • Support for large files up to 32-bit virtual memory limits.
  • Intuitive interface with keyboard shortcuts and a tabbed layout for multi-file management