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DevExpress DevExtreme


DevExpress DevExtreme is a versatile piece of software that serves as a UI component suite for Angular, React, Vue, and jQuery frameworks. DevExpress touts it as a comprehensive tool for creating responsive web applications that are tailored for both touch devices and traditional desktops. It comes with an extensive set of features, including data grids, interactive charts, data editors, navigation tools, and multi-purpose widgets. The beauty of DevExtreme lies in its ability to deliver visually appealing and highly functional interfaces across various browsers. DevExtreme is highly regarded by its users, who appreciate its responsiveness, real-time updates, performance, and the fantastic support provided by the DevExpress team. With its wealth of UI components and development tools, DevExtreme facilitates the creation of stunning user experiences, making it a top choice for thousands of teams globally, helping them expedite their development process and deliver impressive web applications

Key Features:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Seamlessly creates cross-platform apps with built-in adaptivity support, ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of the device.
  • Large Datasets: Efficiently manages large datasets with its unique Data Layer, allowing for superb app performance with backends like ASP.NET Core, Java, NodeJS, or PHP.
  • Real-Time Updates: Includes WebSocket support, enabling real-time updates in data grids.
  • Modern UI Trends: Incorporates modern UI trends, dark/light modes, and customizable themes, ensuring apps maintain their visual identity and brand appeal.
  • Extensive Customization: DevExtreme goes beyond default settings, offering extensive extensibility options to address complex UI requirements and business needs.
  • UI Templates: Provides responsive UI templates for diverse applications like CRM, ERP, analytics dashboards, project management, HR management, and SaaS applications
  • Gantt and Scheduler: Feature-rich components, including Gantt and Scheduler, empower users to build project management functionality directly into JavaScript apps.
  • Action and List Components: A wide range of action and list components, such as floating action buttons, dialogs, and notification panels, enhance the interactivity and responsiveness of web apps.