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SmartPLS Professional Academic



SmartPLS Professional Academic is a software tool for partial least squares (PLS) path modeling and structural equation modeling (SEM) designed specifically for academic users. It is a cost-effective solution for students, faculty, and researchers who require a powerful and user-friendly tool for data analysis and modeling.

Key Features:

  1. Partial Least Squares (PLS): Supports PLS path modeling, including multiple regression, principal component regression, and canonical correlation analysis.
  2. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Enables SEM analysis, including confirmatory factor analysis, latent growth modeling, and multigroup analysis.
  3. Graphical Modeling: Allows users to create graphical models, including path diagrams, factor diagrams, and network diagrams.
  4. Data Preparation: Includes data preparation tools, such as data cleaning, data transformation, and data scaling.
  5. Reporting and Visualization: Provides detailed reports and visualizations, including tables, graphs, and charts.

Academic Benefits:

  1. Teaching and Research: Ideal for teaching PLS and SEM courses, as well as for conducting research and publishing academic papers.
  2. Cost-Effective: Offers a cost-effective solution for academic users, with a special academic license fee.
  3. Easy to Use: Is easy to use, even for students and researchers without extensive statistical knowledge.
  4. Powerful Analytics: Offers powerful analytics capabilities, including PLS and SEM analysis.
  5. Support: Provides dedicated support for academic users, including online resources and tutorials