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Proxmox Community


Proxmox Community is an open-source virtualization platform that provides a comprehensive solution for creating and managing virtual machines, containers, and storage.

Key Features:

  1. Virtual Machine Management: Supports the creation and management of virtual machines, including KVM and container-based virtualization.
  2. Container Management: Supports the creation and management of containers, including LXC and Docker.
  3. Storage Management: Provides a comprehensive storage management system, including support for local storage, SAN, and NAS.
  4. High Availability: Offers high availability features, including clustering, fencing, and failover.
  5. Web-Based Interface: Provides a web-based interface for easy management and configuration.


  1. Cost-Effective: Proxmox Community is an open-source solution, reducing costs compared to proprietary virtualization platforms.
  2. Flexible: Supports a wide range of virtualization and containerization technologies, including KVM, LXC, and Docker.
  3. Scalable: Designed to scale with your infrastructure, Proxmox Community supports large-scale deployments.
  4. Highly Available: Offers high availability features, ensuring minimal downtime and increased uptime