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Flow License For Academic

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Flow is a project management and collaboration software developed by MetaLab. The Academic License is specifically designed for educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and schools, offering special pricing and features tailored to the needs of academic users.

Key Features of Flow Academic License:

Special Pricing: The Academic License offers discounted pricing for educational institutions, making it more affordable for academic use.

Collaboration Tools: Flow includes a range of collaboration tools such as task assignments, comments, and file sharing, allowing teams to work together more effectively.

Project Management: Users can create and manage projects, set deadlines, and track progress using Flow’s project management features.

Task Management: Flow helps users organize and prioritize tasks, ensuring that important deadlines are met.

Integration: Flow integrates with other tools and services such as Slack, Google Drive, and Dropbox, allowing for seamless workflow integration.

Security: Flow prioritizes security and data protection, ensuring that sensitive information is kept safe.

Support: The Academic License includes dedicated support for academic users, ensuring that they receive assistance when needed.

Overall, Flow’s Academic License offers educational institutions a comprehensive project management and collaboration solution tailored to their needs. It provides the tools and features necessary for academic teams to collaborate effectively and manage projects efficiently