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Smush Pro 1 Year


Smush is a WordPress image optimization plugin by WPMU DEV that improves website performance and speed by compressing images without visible loss of quality. Here’s a summary of its key features:


  • Optimizes and compresses images with no visible drop in quality.
  • Reduces image sizes while maintaining image quality.
  • Allows bulk optimization of multiple images simultaneously.
  • Offers lossy and lossless compression formats.
  • Supports large 32MB image sizes without timing out.
  • Integrates with SuperServers for smooth website performance during optimization.
  • Handles heavy optimization work in the background via its API.

Key Features:

  • Offers advanced image compression technology.
  • Bulk optimizes images without timing out, including large 32MB images.
  • SuperServers handle the optimization process in the background for seamless website performance.
  • API that handles heavy optimization work, making it effortless for users.
  • Improves page load times and search engine rankings.
  • Easy to use with a convenient setup